The Little Duck's Shiny Feather
Once upon a time, in a sparkling, enchanted pond, lived a little duck named Daisy. Daisy had bright yellow feathers and a special shiny feather on her wing. It was her most treasured thing. One sunny morning, Daisy waddled to the pond’s edge and saw her friend Buttercup, the bunny, looking sad.
"Why are you sad, Buttercup?" asked Daisy, softly.
Buttercup sighed, "I need a shiny thing for the festival, but I have none."
Daisy thought for a moment, her little heart feeling warm and kind. She gently plucked her special shiny feather and handed it to Buttercup.
“Oh, Daisy! Thank you!” cheered Buttercup, her eyes twinkling like stars.
With her shiny feather, Buttercup sparkled at the festival, and all the animals clapped and danced joyfully. Seeing Buttercup’s smile made Daisy happy and her heart full of sunshine.
From that day on, Daisy knew that even without her shiny feather, she was special because she had a kind heart.
And they all lived happily ever after, dancing together at the pond, where laughter echoed like sweet music through the green, enchanted trees.